CareerHealthLife The (Money) Voice in Your Head.

October 29, 2024by Sharon Castle0

What is it about money that has people up their heads, making up all sorts of stories?

We’ve all got money stories, and I’ve never met anyone who doesn’t think about money.

“It’s so hard to make money”, “Money is the root of all evil” And one of the ones I heard most consistently as a child…

“Money doesn’t grow on trees, you know” from my mother and most of the adults in my impressionable young years.

It’s a big subject and there are thousands of ideas in books, magazines, articles and teachers that have thousands of ideas about what money is and isn’t, how to make it, what to use it for and what to do to grow it, invest it and keep it.

Every day in my inbox I get something from someone about how I can 10x my money or increase my income to 6 or 7 figures so that I can have freedom and a life of luxury and peace, and I’ll never have to worry again.

Like you, I’ve tried several of these ideas and some have worked, and some have not and like you, there have been times when I’ve had a lot of it (money) and times when I’ve had very little of it.

What I’ve come to see for myself is that money isn’t the problem but the thinking I’ve had about what money is, has been the real problem.

I’m no financial expert at all and I’m definitely not the person that can advise anyone on many of these money things but I do know one or two things about money that I’ve come to understand.

For the past three weeks, I’ve been on a program called “Unf*cking your relationship with Money” and it’s been fascinating.

At the same time, I just happened to be listening to a book about the energy of money and also found myself coaching several clients going through some relationship issues most of which are compounded by issues around money.

So, you could say I’ve been marinating in this money stuff and a few very powerful things emerged from this time.


This is what I’ve come to realize:

  • Money is simply a tool. If you use the wrong tool for the wrong job it usually doesn’t work. For example; A garden spade is made for digging and if you try to use a spade to knock a nail into wood, it might work but it’s not designed for the job of hammering.
  • Money doesn’t define who I am. If I try to attach my self-worth to the amount of money I have in the bank or in my wallet, I’m probably setting myself up for some skewed thinking about who I am and that can never be true because my self-worth is reliant on what I think about myself, and not about how much money I do or don’t have.
  • Money has value which is only good for use as an exchange for goods and services. If we use money in an attempt to buy goodwill, reputation, love, honor, or respect we’re probably going to be disappointed because these are values and can never be bought. These important values can only be received when we’re being real, authentic, and honest both with ourselves and the world.
  • Money is essential for living but not essential for happiness. I’ve met numerous people who have very little money but have a lot of joy and are content and happy and I’ve met as many people who have loads of money and are miserable, unhappy, and dissatisfied.
  • Money doesn’t change who you are. I’ve met many people with (perceived) lots of money and if they are unkind, disrespectful, and nasty people, money doesn’t change them, and I see that they are just unkind, disrespectful, and nasty people with lots of money.
  • Money is neither fair nor unfair. Money is neutral. Making money doesn’t mean anything other than the fact that you can earn it and that’s neither right nor wrong or good or bad but just a fact that if you give a good service or have a good product, people will likely want to pay you for that.
  • Money is energy. Just like everything, you can either love it or hate it. How you feel about it (your relationship with it) usually shows in your life as lack or sufficiency. The value you place on it is unique to you and everyone feels differently about the value of it.


“The voice inside your head is not the voice of God.
It just sounds like it thinks it is” ~ Cheri Huber


I heard this quote in the program I attended, and it really hit home. All the noise in our heads is not telling us the truth and since most of the noise is about how bad, wrong, terrible and stupid we are, we can’t take it seriously, because we are NOT that.

Then I heard this quote which I’ve heard many times before and then it made complete sense.


“All we are is peace, love and wisdom and the power to think we are not”
~ Jack Pransky


I’ve been asking myself these questions a lot lately and maybe you can ask yourself this too:

“If I had all the money I needed, what would I do?”

Interestingly when I drilled down to the real answer it wasn’t to sit on a beach and drink cocktails (although that’s nice to do and I sometimes get to do that) the answer was this: “I want to help people who want to help people by teaching them how I’ve helped people.”

This didn’t surprise me but the answer to this next question did surprise me.

“If I helped people by teaching them how to help people, how much money would I be paid?”

And the bottom line is that I would do it for nothing because I find it so enriching and fulfilling and it feels completely aligned with my purpose.


And my final revelation:

“So, if I did this for nothing how would I survive?”

The answer was so profound it delighted me and it’s this: “I’ve survived every season of lack and every season of abundance and my survival wasn’t reliant on money but on trusting that I will always survive and even thrive because it’s built into the human system and there’s not a damn thing I can do about that” 🌿

Phew – that’s such a relief!

So, I’m designed to thrive and regardless of how much money I have or don’t have, I’ll always be ok. Go figure!

Now I can hear all the naysayers and analytical money-aware people say, “Take your money seriously” as they get all noisy about how this is BS and we have to do x,y and z to ensure we survive and I’m not going to argue with any of it because I do a lot of those things.

This isn’t about what you should do but about who you really are and that can never change, has never changed and will never change.

The more we learn to operate in the world based on trust in our intuition 🌟 (our inner guidance), the stronger our sense of safety and the more we are guided to do the right thing (our purpose) the more money tends to show up.

I’ve always loved this quote. It speaks to me.


“This is the true joy in life, being used for a purpose recognized by yourself as a mighty one.
Being a force of nature instead of a feverish, selfish little clod of ailments and grievances,
complaining that the world will not devote itself to making you happy.
I am of the opinion that my life belongs to the whole community and as long as I live,
it is my privilege to do for it what I can.
I want to be thoroughly used up when I die, for the harder I work, the more I live.
I rejoice in life for its own sake. Life is no brief candle to me.
It is a sort of splendid torch which I have got hold of for the moment
and I want to make it burn as brightly as possible before handing it on to future generations.”

~ George Bernard Shaw


Ask yourself the same questions:

  1. If I had all the money I needed, what would I do?
  2. If I do what I love to do, how much can I expect to be paid?
  3. Will I be ok if I’m paid to do what I love?

I’d love to hear your responses and if you’d like some help to find the truth when answering these questions, my team and I would love to help you.

💌 You can book a free discovery coaching call here


All my love,
Sharon 💚

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