Mindfit for Teens
Group Coaching Program

We know how it feels to see your teen display troubling and scary behaviour. What if we told you that this doesn’t have to be your Teen’s story? Challenging behaviour doesn’t mean your teenager is a bad kid! They already have the wisdom they need to make healthy decisions and live a more peaceful life…all they need to do is tap into it!

Your teenager will step out of this program with a strong sense of self and the ability to embrace the teenage experience in a way that feels lighter, less pressured and more peaceful.
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Mindfit for Teens

As a parent, do you feel like you and your teen are speaking two different languages? Do you want to help your teen decrease their anxiety and agitation? Do you want to help your teen overcome disruptive habits and challenging behaviours such as addiction, eating disorders and self-harm?

Mindfit For Teens is a group coaching program and is designed to be fun, interactive, and engaging, rather than linear and controlled, although there is a solid intention and structure to every session. There is a mixture of group discussions, activities, and individual reflection for a total of 5 modules/lessons for teenagers. After the five sessions for teenagers, there will be a special parent check in session.
Overview and introduction on the relationship between feelings and thoughts.
The constant nature of life and how it relates to us.
The Inside-Out nature of life.
State of Mind and how it relates to the way we show up.
Listening with awareness and how it relates to relationships with parents, peers, family and educators.
All humans are created equally with innate wisdom.
Separate realities and relationships and how it relates to the way we respond and react.
What’s in a label or title as a teenager and beyond.
The truth about habits and harmful behaviours.
Limitless Potential

Teen Pilot Full Program Cost

Please enquire at

Our team will contact you with more information.

If you have any queries or if you cannot complete the online registration for any reason, please email
or WhatsApp on +27 83 449 5670 to register

Your Teenager (13 to 19) should be on the Mindfit For Teens Program if they:

  • Feel overwhelmed by life
  • Feel behind, whether that’s in academics, sport or in life
  • Feel burdened by the pressure to fit in
  • Feel anxious about the present (exams, academics and societal expectations) and the future (University acceptance or what to do next with their lives)
  • Feel depressed and burned out
  • Feel like life is heavy and they have to “tick all the boxes”
  • Feel defined by their marks, sports rankings, friend groups and relationships
  • Are feeling the weight of labels
  • Are feeling lost and questioning their identity
  • Are experiencing bullying, either in person or online

The BENEFITS of Mindfit For Teens:

In today’s world, being a teenager can feel suffocating and our teens often feel hopeless and weighed down by the above issues and so much more. We will help your teen;

  • Feel more confident and less overwhelmed by the pressures of being a teenager
  • Increase their ability to cope with trauma
  • Overcome addictions and other challenging behaviours such as eating disorders and self-harm.
  • Improve their relationships with their family and friends.
  • Reconnect with their inner wisdom and know that they have all the answers they need to navigate teenage life without feeling suffocated by it.
  • Decrease their anxiety and depression
  • The program is an internationally recognised program and has been proven to yield results and has been successfully run in multiple groups for the last several years.

Upsetting teenage behaviours often come from a place of not knowing how to express emotions that are big and scary. That is coming from the inner thought storm that the teen is experiencing. We have a program that cuts through the noise and helps the teen see that they always have access to their inner well-being that cannot be taken away from them, cannot be broken and cannot be missing. It is always present within them. It is always there, it is always available, all they have to do is access it. We will show them how to do exactly that during the Mindfit For Teens Program.

At Mindfit For Teens, our mission is to meet your teen exactly where they are in their journey, and lovingly guide and support them as they become okay with life as a teenager. 

We know how it feels to see your teen display troubling and scary behaviour. What if we told you that this doesn’t have to be your Teen’s story? Challenging behaviour doesn’t mean your teenager is a bad kid! They already have the wisdom they need to make healthy decisions and live a more peaceful life…all they need to do is tap into it!

Mindfit For Teens a powerful insight-based learning program. Your teenager will step out of this program knowing they have what they need to make good decisions for themselves with their own wisdom. They will step out of this program with the confidence to let go of toxic relationships and negative behaviours such as substance abuse, self-harm and eating disorders.
Your teenager will step out of this program with a strong sense of self and the ability to embrace the teenage experience in a way that feels lighter, less pressured and more peaceful.

For us, working with teens is all about seeing the innate wisdom that is already there. It’s not about helping them become well, it’s about helping them realize that they are already well. Once they access their innate wisdom and well-being, they will start seeing that the world is not in chaos even though it can feel that way during adolescence and young adulthood. This program will help teenagers see that there is a way to fully show up in complete well-being.

This is the wisdom behind every emotion, action, behaviour, addiction, and apparent pressurized situation. Everything is always a reaction to their thinking and feelings. We only see the surface of this which is our teen’s behaviour. There is a WAY for your teen to reconnect with their inner wisdom, and mental well-being which already exists within them, but has been covered up by layers of expectations and societal pressures.

As parents, when we dive a little deeper into the feelings behind our teenagers’ negative actions, we begin to see that what we classify as teen problems might not be “problems”. Instead, it’s the teenager leaning into their wisdom and using it to navigate their life in the best way possible with the thinking they have in the moment. In other words, they are doing the best they can do with the wisdom they have access to. Pointing them to their inner well-being is the only way for them to have insight into how they can make their wisdom more effective and how they can show up for themselves in a powerful way and how they can navigate life from a feeling of confidence, calm, love and compassion for themselves, their parents, their community and the world.

An unshakeable truth that has helped hundreds of our adult coaching clients is the fact that being in your mental well-being means you can settle within yourself when making decisions and this usually leads to making healthy choices. This truth is exactly what we will share with your teenagers during the program!

Still have questions

We are here to help you.
Shop 21, Burndale, Salt Rock, KZN, South Africa.
Call us
+27 83 449 5670